Monday, April 18, 2011

Session: Maddi

Here is a session from over the weekend. She is so adorable you just want to keep her. She has the sweetest personality and her little voice is precious! I had such a blast taking Madigan's pictures. She brightened my day and I know after looking at her pictures, she will do the same for you! Enjoy!
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Becki said...

I can't thank Liz enough for these amazing pictures! She is so great to work with and so wonderful with Madigan. She always knows how to bring out her personality and capture it in every single photo. I love that she never looks staged and I can look at every picture and say "that's Maddi!" and I can just hear what she would be saying or doing in each picture. These are pictures that I will always enjoy looking back on and remembering what a silly, free-spirit she is. :)

Lizzy said...

Thanks Becki! Tear Tear! It was my pleasure!